Article Contribution by Maina Watene It is the responsibility of all of us fathers to train our children in the way they should go. That presupposes that we should be well versed with the way they should go. A saying goes […]
Practice Exercises for Children (5 -6 years)
Repetition and Practice is good for children as they learn different concepts. That is why we provide some materials easily for parents to access and have the children practice their basic knowledge. Please feel free to download and use these […]
A Day with Your Child…
Many have said that teaching is a sacrifice, especially in the current age (times). At Elirama, we like to look at it differently, as captured in David Livingstone’s words, ““If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, […]
We are growing
It ‘s an amazing experience when someone brings a challenge to your doorstep! In 2016, as Elirama School began to transform into a more modern centre of learning, online presence was paramount. So we spent financial and non-financial resources to […]