Repetition and Practice is good for children as they learn different concepts. That is why we provide some materials easily for parents to access and have the children practice their basic knowledge. Please feel free to download and use these […]
Practice Exercises for Children (4 -5 years)
Does your child miss going to school? Does your child miss the academic part of 2017? Be a teaching parent with these great down-loadable practice exercises that are age appropriate.
Practice Exercises for Children (6 – 7 Years)
The links below allow you to download practice exercises that are age appropriate for your child. The exercises are in the areas of number Work (math), Language, Social life, Christian Religion and Science. Be a teacher at home and help […]
School Shopping
Based on trends, we are getting into a season of parents seeking to recruit their students into the best schools having moved them for any variety of reasons. Shopping for a school is most definitely not an easy task. You […]